Wednesday, March 12, 2014

About My Blog

So my name is Tiffany and this blog is called Miss Tiff's Journey. (My mom calls me Miss Tiff). Well I have a few things I would like to share with the world from recipes for my dogs to my fitness journey. I work as a critical care pediatric care nurse specializing in infants. Also, I am a psychology student working towards my PhD. I am in my mid-twenties and now live in LA. I moved to LA from a small town in Florida after a horribly sad divorce. I was married to my high school sweetheart. He took a dark road that I couldn't manage to get him back from. It still hurts me everyday and staying in the same town hurt even more. I decided to move literally overnight. I woke up one day very sad. I am always a positive happy person so this was hard for me. It was 8 months after we separated. I went online, searched for apartments, found an amazing one in West Hollywood. I got my divorce papers signed and the next day took the road trip with my clothes and my dogs to Cali. I was lucky to have one of my most amazing friends from when we were 14 already out in LA. It was soo awesome to reconnect. So .... Now you know about me. Please take your time to check through this blog and message me with any ideas for me to try out. Thanks. Have a blessed day!

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