Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Chicago and back

Hey everyone. I know it's been awhile since I posted something. I've been to Chicago and back to beautiful sunny LA. Chicago was cold an windy but it was such an honor to be in my cousin's wedding. She truly married the perfect man Adam. I am very happy for the both of them and wish them many years of happiness. Here are some pictures of my journey in the wedding. 
On my way to the airport
Very close family friend Ben
The twins an the bride with myself at the rehersal dinner
Wedding day
The gorgeous bride checking herself out. Check yourself before you reck yourself
Absolutely love the back of the dress
Beautiful church

Ben and myself at the wedding
The first dance as Mr & Mrs Parsch
Bride and brother Greg. Love my cousins. 
Dancing with my father
My gorgeous mother and myself
The twins and myself
Bride and groom in front of trolley 
My cousin should be on a magazine she's such a beautiful bride

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wednesday 4/2/14 WOD

With my crazy schedule as a nurse and no room to workout. I did it. What's your excuse?

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tuesday 4/1/14 WOD

This morning the dogs did not want to run so I choose a different warm up. 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Homemade dog food

So this batch lasts me 2 weeks with my 3 small size dogs. 
4 pounds of meat (chicken in this recipe)
Mixed veggies. (If I cannot find good veggies at the farmers market I use one bag of frozen veggies from the store. I mix veggies no specific.)
2-3 cups of brown rice
1 large sweet potato
1 can of tomato sauce
2-3 boiled eggs. (Full eggs with shells. Dogs need a higher amount of calcium which is found in the shells. Not good for human consumption but great for dogs)
1 tbs olive oil

Precook everything. Then put in blender and mix together over low-med heat. 

My overall progress so far

Monday 3/31/14 WOD

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

WOD introduction

So this is how I am going to plan it to work. Everyday I am going to post my workouts. I am planning 2-3 crossfit/hitt style a week plus 1 target muscle strength plus 1 cardio knockout plus 1 calm yoga/pilates  style. Anything that is listed "for time" please add your total time in the comments area. Scribe to this blog to receive the daily WOD or visit daily.

One hour is only 4% of your day so NO EXCUSES!!!!

I do my exercise in the morning. Before my brain wakes up I am out with the dogs drinking my preworkout drink. I use form GNC or any supplement store:

Cellucor NO N-Zero Extreme, Orange

MEN: I suggest the C-4. This is the same thing just with creatine. 

Equipment suggestions:
Yoga mat or towel
Small hand towel or kitchen towel
Bottle of water ALWAYS
Kettlebell or dumbbells or even a backpack with books works great and it's adjustable 
Jump rope
Mirror is possible
Pull up bar if possible
Stability ball if possible

This is not to promote myself as a personal trainer. I am a nurse but not an exercise specialist. I will be sharing the exercises I do and even videos I do that are routines other people make. Sometimes you will see a link to that person's video but most of the times you will see what I have created myself. Many people have asked how I have done it. Lost the weight and sculpted lean muscles. Well here are my workouts. The gym is only 30% of it. It is also 70% diet.  I am on the body by vi challenge. Here is the challenge link. Http://

Tiffany's WOD (workout of the day)

A good stretch video by Spartan Muscle's Spartan Joe. 

The jumping jacks and burpees get done when the minute changes and the number of reps is the number minute it is. So at 1 minute, you do 1 jumping jack. At 2 minutes, you do 2 burpees and so on. 

For shoulder presses and Turkish get-ups, I don't own a small enough wait so I used a backpack with books suitable. 

For the cool down repeating the stretch is fine and doing some light calm yoga stretches are great. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Lucky Auntie

Dogs do love to hike - Runyon Canyon

Piper being silly

Berry smoothie

1/4 cup kale
1/4 cup spinach
3-4 strawberries
1/2 cup mango
1/4 cup blueberries
1/4 cup blackberries
1/2 cup water
2-3 ice cubes
1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder (I used nu-trek pro 5 sold at your local nutrishoppe)
1 spoonful of non-fat plain Greek yogurt
1/2 orange (optional)
1 scoop of nature's fuel-orange flavor (also sold at your local nutrishoppe)

Add to blender and drink up. Thank me later. Sometimes I put it in a mason jar and freeze it for an hour. Taste like ice cream this way. If you like it more creamy- add more Greek yogurt. 

Eggplant Pizza

I didn't even know if I like eggplant or not but this recipe was amazing and flexible. 

1 eggplant
Olive oil 
Italian seasoning 
Pizza sauce
Mozzarella cheese (shredded)
Any pizza toppings of your choice
Red pepper flakes (optional)

20 mins sit time
15-20 mins bake time
5 mins broil time

-Cut eggplant in round squares
-Lay out on paper towel and sprinkle with salt
-Let sit for 20 mins
-Towel dry the eggplant
-Rub a light amount of olive oil on both sides
-Add Italian seasoning and salt and pepper to taste
-Bake at 400 degrees for 15-20 mins until tender. Do not let it get too soft
-Add pizza sauce and cheese and toppings (I used left over spaghetti sauce)
-Broil for 5 mins or until cheese is melted and begins to brown
-Enjoy!!!! Add red pepper flakes if you like spicy like I do. 

About My Blog

So my name is Tiffany and this blog is called Miss Tiff's Journey. (My mom calls me Miss Tiff). Well I have a few things I would like to share with the world from recipes for my dogs to my fitness journey. I work as a critical care pediatric care nurse specializing in infants. Also, I am a psychology student working towards my PhD. I am in my mid-twenties and now live in LA. I moved to LA from a small town in Florida after a horribly sad divorce. I was married to my high school sweetheart. He took a dark road that I couldn't manage to get him back from. It still hurts me everyday and staying in the same town hurt even more. I decided to move literally overnight. I woke up one day very sad. I am always a positive happy person so this was hard for me. It was 8 months after we separated. I went online, searched for apartments, found an amazing one in West Hollywood. I got my divorce papers signed and the next day took the road trip with my clothes and my dogs to Cali. I was lucky to have one of my most amazing friends from when we were 14 already out in LA. It was soo awesome to reconnect. So .... Now you know about me. Please take your time to check through this blog and message me with any ideas for me to try out. Thanks. Have a blessed day!